Friday, September 22, 2006
Colorado Confidential: "In Colorado, the medical profession is sounding alarm bells over the state of our health care system. The August 2006 issue of Colorado Medicine provides some insight, in a series of articles about how the profession feel about those problems. Perhaps the place to start is with the comments of Micahel J. Pramenko, MD, the President-Elect of the Mesa County Medical Society."
"2008 pres"
6:27:18 AM

Coyote Gulch missed the fact that this week is National Pollution Prevention Week. From the website, "National Pollution Prevention Week is the third full week in September each year. This week is an opportunity for individuals, businesses, and government to emphasize and highlight their pollution prevention and sustainability activities and achievements, expand current pollution prevention efforts, and commit to new actions. National Pollution Prevention Week is the time when businesses, environmental groups and citizens can join forces for a common cause. By sharing information about pollution prevention (P2), businesses can become more competitive, businesses and government can realize cost savings, and environmental quality can be enhanced."
"colorado water"
5:57:06 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:59:28 AM.