Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Science Blog: "The first direct evidence linking human activity to the collapse of Antarctic ice shelves is published this week in the Journal of Climate. Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling, University College London, and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, (Belgium) reveal that stronger westerly winds in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, driven principally by human-induced climate change, are responsible for the marked regional summer warming that led to the retreat and collapse of the northern Larsen Ice Shelf."
"2008 pres"
8:50:37 PM

According to the Denver Post the majority of Democratic state leaders favor holding the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. From the article, "Of 36 state party chairs who gave a preference when surveyed by The Denver Post, 31 chose Denver and five New York. Hawaii did not respond; the rest had no clear favorite. Democratic Party national chairman Howard Dean will make the final decision, and the opinions of the state leaders are in no way binding. And, based on interviews with party leaders, Denver must still contend with a lingering perception that the city is unfriendly to organized labor, and must satisfy the party that it will have the necessary hotel rooms, security and - most of all - cash."
"2008 pres"
6:45:53 AM
Here's an opinion piece about immigration in Colorado, written by Al Knight, in the Denver Post. He writes, "It's probably fitting to reflect on the politics of illegal immigration during the same week the population of the United States reached 300 million. This event is no cause for a national celebration. Rapid population growth is widely viewed more as a curse than a blessing - especially when much of the increase can be blamed on the failure to control illegal immigration. The news of the population milestone arrives at an opportune time, weeks before a national election in which the subject of immigration figures in many local races. The question that hovers over this election and this state is, 'Who owns the immigration issue?' More particularly, 'Have the Democrats successfully stolen this issue from the Republicans?' Definitive answers can only be known once the votes have been counted, but insights are already available. Internet users can find some of them in an article by Rep. Dave Schultheis, R-Colorado Springs, at vdare.com. Schultheis, a vocal opponent of illegal immigration, makes a convincing case that the Democrats have been able to hijack the immigration issue, largely because of the efforts (or duplicity) of former Gov. Dick Lamm.
Schultheis points out that Lamm was an original backer of a proposed statewide initiative barring illegal immigrants from receiving certain state and local benefits, but once the Supreme Court prevented the measure from appearing on this year's ballot, Schultheis says, Lamm did an amazing about-face, putting the interests of the Democratic Party above all else."
"2008 pres"
6:02:03 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:05:35 PM.