Thanksgiving is the day that we in the U.S. sit down with family and friends for a celebratory meal and reflect on the past year. Here's a Thanksgiving shout out from Coyote Gulch.
Thanks Mrs. Gulch for sharing another year of dreaming about our eventual relocation to the Colorado Plateau. We'll ride out our last few decades together growing some food and learning about the geology, wildlife, history and culture in the area. Your companionship helps keep the engine running.
Thanks to Beaver the troubador. We learned a great deal from you over the last year and we're so glad that the new puppy isn't that much of a puppy. Everyone has his or her place.
Thanks to Hellchild. We look forward to your romps through Denver on your way to wherever and we appreciate your reminders about living a sustainable lifestyle.
Thanks Goober. It was great to go to this year's party caucuses with you. We're happy that we've finally found a bit of political common ground these days.
Thanks to all three of you for helping the geezer see some of the West Elk Wilderness this year.
Thanks to the Dining with Don crowd. We look forward to our (nearly) weekly gastronomic meetings.
Thanks to the Old Bones for the get-togethers over the past year. See you on New Year's Eve.
Thanks to the crew at work. You make my day nearly every day with your accomplishments and professionalism. Here's hoping that we stay together for years to come.
Thanks to Apple and Steve Jobs for all the cool gear.
Thanks to the Mickey Mouse Molecule. Water stories and technology sort of consume most of our waking hours.
Thanks to Ed Quillen and Colorado Central Magazine for publishing our monthly column.
Thanks to the editors at the Examiner for asking us to add to the conversation around water in Colorado.
A special thanks to Chris Woodka -- journalist extraordinaire -- for answering all those questions that we pose in email.
Thanks to our readers for the comments and encouragement.
Thanks to all the news organizations the we use to put together our humble story of Colorado water issues. Without you there would be no Coyote Gulch in its present form.
To all the politicians across the country: Thanks for a great election season. After all the years of ideological brow-beating in the name of conservatism we sense a flood of pragmatism and grassroots involvement taking hold. Let's end torture, religious extremism, ill-advised nation-building, environmental destruction and the bullying that is the legacy of the last administration. Lets come together and align self-interests and solve the climate crisis. Lets work to restore hope and opportunity for all citizens by ending the politics of divisiveness that has been used to pit us against each other to gain and retain power.
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