Coyote Gulch's Colorado Water
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. -- Luna Leopold

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

A picture named firstwaterovercheesman.jpg

Here's a short article from the Rocky Mountain News about attempts to come up with sustainable water supplies [November 19, 2005, "Officials see bleaker water future for state"]. From the article, "Ken Neubecker, a study participant who represents Trout Unlimited, said he's hopeful the study will produce water supply options the majority of Coloradans can support. 'Undoubtedly. there are water supply projects that will need to be built,' Neubecker said. 'Most environmental groups recognize that. What we want is for this process to come up with new ways of dealing with the problem rather than the traditional way - throwing a dam at it.'"

Here's a report from the World Watch Instituted that's chock full of facts about water issues. For example, "Just six countries-Brazil, Russia, Canada, Indonesia, China, and Colombia-account for half of Earth's total renewable freshwater supply. Canada ranks near the top of water wealth, with more than 92,000 cubic meters of water per inhabitant. At the water-poor end of the spectrum are Jordan with annual renewable supplies of 138 cubic meters per person, Israel with 124, and Kuwait with essentially none. Water is often distributed unevenly within countries as well. China, for instance, has 21 percent of the world's people, but only 7 percent of Earth's renewable fresh water-and most of that supply is in the southern portion of the country. The most urgent task is to provide all people with at least the minimum amount of clean water and sanitation needed for good health. Today, one out of five people in the developing world-1.1 billion in all-face daily risks of disease and death because they lack 'reasonable access' to safe drinking water."

Category: Colorado Water

8:32:56 AM    

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