Lake County is asking to be included in the Preferred Storage Options Plan legislation, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "Dennis Smith, representing Lake County at Tuesday's meeting, said the county wants to be included in the PSOP bill in order to gain the benefits of a federal study on mitigation. Lake County wrote a letter to the district in March with a list of demands for the PSOP project. 'Lake County needs to be included in the Phase II study of impact. Lake County is relying on the area of coverage to include Lake County,' Smith said. Miskel suggested a separate agreement to address Lake County concerns, and possibly removing Turquoise Lake enlargement study from PSOP until issues are resolved. Smith persistently argued that Lake County needs to be given equal footing in the PSOP study. Reclamation recognizes Aurora's participation through the Homestake Project, but not the county where three of the five lakes in the project are located, he said."
Category: Colorado Water
5:36:43 AM