Ray Petros made a presentation last night the Pueblo City Council about the management of Fountain Creek, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "Pueblo City Council Monday considered a plan that would combine flood control, recreation and water reuse on Fountain Creek, raising questions about the feasibility of the project and how it affects a 2004 intergovernmental agreement. Pueblo County land-use consultant Ray Petros, a Denver water lawyer and former Puebloan, presented an integrated plan that he said encompasses the visions of several efforts to improve Fountain Creek water quality...
"Petros first introduced the concept of incorporating flood control with a Colorado Springs Utilities plan to recycle water during hearings on the proposed Southern Delivery System last fall. Colorado Springs Utilities included recycling return flows from water imports into its 1996 water supply plan, but has opted to pursue SDS, a 66-inch diameter, 43-mile diversion directly from Pueblo Dam. Petros wants Colorado Springs to recycle first, and build a pipeline later. He also wants to tie the problems on Fountain Creek to SDS...
"Dam sites on Fountain Creek are identified in a 1970 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report drafted in response to the 1965 flood, but were never built because of funding, Petros said. Meanwhile, the problems of erosion, sedimentation and water quality have remained unsolved, and more flooding has meant more studies. Now, Colorado Springs and surrounding areas have grown, turning Fountain Creek into a river whose year-round flows are largely treated sewage. Building in the area, paving more surface area, means future flooding could be dramatically worse, Petros said. Petros' idea is to bring efforts like Peak to Prairie and the Colorado Front Range Trail Project into a unified planning process for Fountain Creek...
"Petros could not answer all of the technical questions, but compared the flat terrain to similar sites of Denver flood control dams - Cherry Creek, Chatfield and Bear Creek reservoirs. All were built by the Corps of Engineers primarily for flood control, but now are prime recreation and multiuse sites. Bear Creek, in particular would be a model for a Fountain Creek Dam, with a low permanent pool, but the capacity to hold back a big flood."
Category: Colorado Water
5:53:38 AM