Wednesday, February 21, 2007
HB 07-1298 [pdf], Concerning the Conservation of Wildlife Habitat in Connection with the Development of Oil and Gas, made it out of committee yesterday, according to the Rocky Mountain News. From the article, "Hunters donned Day-Glo Orange gear today to plug a landmark bill to protect Colorado's wild creatures and their habitat from a record oil and gas exploration boom. House Bill 1298 was unanimously advanced by the House Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources Committee. Sponsored by Rep. Dan Gibbs, D-Silverthorne, and Sen. Lois Tochtrop, D-Thornton, the bill directs the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to work with the Division of Wildlife in crafting rules that require energy companies to use cutting-edge technology to avoid or reduce harm to elk, mule deer, grouse and native trout and the places they call home."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:42:06 AM

Here's a quick look at President Bush's proposed budget and it's effects on the Bureau of Reclamation, from the International Construction Review. From the article, "The US Federal Bureau of Reclamation, whose infrastructure activities cover 17 states, will receive nearly $1 billion funding next financial year if Congress approves the Presidential budget request. This will allow development of several major water supply projects to continue as well as fund the bureau's expanding role as the nation's largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydro-electric power. The new budget comes at a time when the western states are experiencing increasing water supply challenges. Continuing drought makes these pressures more acute. Over $386 million of the proposed $958.4 million award is needed to cover operational and maintenance activities. Around $300 million capital funding is being allocated to advance the progress of some eight major projects in the planning stage or under construction.
"One of the biggest jobs the reclamation bureau has in hand at present is completion of the Animas-La Plata rivers project which at $500 million estimated at 2003 prices will continue with its purpose of implementing of the Colorado Ute Settlement Act. The Congress is asked to vote $58 million to take the project to completion in fiscal year 2008...
"The changing situation to which Reclamation is now adapting is illustrated by the response of Bureau Commissioner Bob Johnson to the President's funding proposals, which include $14 million for water conservation grants and a $1 million offer to initiate a loan guarantee program. These he said would become critical components in addressing the challenges presented by aging water infrastructure. 'As population and competition for water have been growing, we're placing more and more demands on our water infrastructure that in some cases is 100 years old.' Recently authorised by Congress, loan guarantees represent a business-like approach to the difficulties many water districts are facing in financing expensive repairs.
"Reclamation's next major construction operation looks like being the $700 million Red River Valley water supply project in North Dakota and Minnesota. Now at the public consultation stage under a revised environmental impact statement, the project would convey water by pipeline from the Missouri River to meet the growing needs of people and industry in the Red River Valley."
Category: Colorado Water
6:16:54 AM

Here's an update on HB 07-1197 [pdf], Concerning the Authority of a County to Abate Conditions that Contribute to a Violation of a General Stormwater Quality Permit Issued to the County by the Department of Public Health and Environment, from the Fort Collins Coloradoan. From the article, "A bill that would allow Larimer County to enforce federal water pollution regulations passed the Colorado House this morning on a second reading. House Bill 1197, sponsored by Rep, Randy Fischer, D - Fort Collins, is now awaiting adoption on third reading.
"The storm water quality regulations, set forth under federal Environmental Protection Agency, include violations such as illicit discharges of dirt and sediment from construction sites or chemical discharges from companies and homes, among others. Cities with populations over 100,000 already are responsible for policing such water quality issues in their storm drainage run-off systems, but counties have long relied on state agencies for enforcement in their unincorporated areas. 'This bill is especially important for our county,' Fischer said. 'It's critical that we pass the bill this year so counties can have police powers to handle this problem.' Some Colorado counties, including Larimer, that have high population densities in areas outside of city limits and will be responsible for regulating their own storm water runoff beginning in March 2008, making Fischer's bill, which gives them such authority, imperative. Unlike municipalities, which have implied powers, counties have only the expressed powers given to them by the Legislature making this bill a necessary motion before applicable counties can comply with the March 2008 deadline, Fischer said."
Category: Colorado Water
6:08:52 AM

Here's an opinion piece about Glade Reservoir from the Fort Collins Weekly. Gary Wockner delivers a fisking over the article we cited in this post. From the article, "In the context of the proposed Glade Reservoir on the Cache la Poudre River, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District board chair, Mike Applegate, started out his column in last week's Weekly by saying: 'Northern Colorado is in danger of losing a piece of its history.' To that, I say: A-men. In fact, we're in danger of losing two pieces of our local history: first, the Cache la Poudre River, and second, honesty and fiscal responsibility in government. Applegate makes several claims about the Cache la Poudre River that are irrelevant, purposely deceptive or simply false."
Category: Colorado Water
5:57:45 AM

From YourHub.com, "Denver-area organizations who joined forces to form the Barr Lake and Milton Reservoir Watershed (BMW) Association recently released a collaborative watershed management plan which lays the groundwork for reducing pollution to Barr Lake and Milton Reservoir north of Denver.
"The 2006 Barr Lake and Milton Reservoir Watershed Management Plan is a major first step in a 10-year process to reduce nutrient pollution to these lakes, which are popular spots for outdoor recreation, bird-watching, and fishing, provide habitat to nesting bald eagles, and store water used for both agricultural and drinking water supplies. The Plan sets a precedent for dozens of watersheds across the state with similar nutrient pollution issues. The BMW Association will officially release the Plan at a meeting on Feb. 27 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Brighton Recreation Center. This meeting is open to all stakeholders and interested public. The Barr/Milton watershed stretches north and east over 850 square miles, beginning at Chatfield Reservoir and covering most of the Denver metropolitan area and portions of six counties."
Category: Colorado Water
5:50:01 AM

Garfield County has approved $100,000 for their proposed whitewater park, according to the Glenwood Springs Post Independent (free registration required). From the article, "Backers of the park asked for $200,000. The commissioners, without budgeting for the expense, gave $100,000. The commissioners did attach a condition to the gift, however. 'We want the city to have all the liability,' said assistant county attorney Carolyn Dahlgren. 'We're not designing or building or maintaining (the park).' Glenwood Springs has committed $300,000 to the project and the Hot Springs Lodge and Pool, $20,000. The group will also apply for a Great Outdoors Colorado grant for $200,000, to meet the estimated $800,000 cost of building the water feature in West Glenwood. Future plans also call for landscaping, a bike path and parking. That phase is expected to cost $560,000, said river engineer Jason Carey, who is working up the plans for the park."
Category: Colorado Water
5:38:38 AM

Most Democratic presidential candidates are in Nevada for an early forum tonight, according to the Denver Post. From the article, "The majority of Democratic presidential hopefuls land today in Nevada, ready to court Western voters who, thanks to a change in the party's nomination schedule, should have a significant voice in the race for the White House. But the candidates, whose playbooks address strategies for the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, may be missing chapters on how and where to court Western voters or the best way to nimbly answer a three-part question on water storage. In fact, presidential retail politicking in the Silver State, where 87 percent of the land is owned by the federal government and more than 400 miles separate Las Vegas and Reno, is nearly uncharted territory...
"When the candidates make their first joint appearance at a Carson City forum today and continue to campaign throughout the state, they should be cautious, advised Eric Herzik, a political science professor at the University of Nevada-Reno. Democrats should address some issues affecting Nevada, such as water rights and the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. And when it comes to seeing national issues through a Democratic lens, it isn't one-size-fits-all."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
5:32:59 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
3/1/07; 6:56:34 AM.