From the Summit Daily News (free registration required), "Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Forest Service and town of Breckenridge will be on hand Tuesday, April 17, to answer questions regarding the Claimjumper cleanup effort. Staff members from EPA, Forest Service and the town will answer questions, hear concerns and receive public comment related to the project and its varying components. The open house is scheduled between 3 and 6:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of the Breckenridge Recreation Center located at 857 Airport Road...
"Concentrations of lead in the Claimjumper rocks are high enough to pose a risk of elevated lead levels in humans with chronic exposure, EPA officials said. Similar levels of contamination exist at the French Gulch site, where the Forest Service and EPA want to consolidate and cap the waste. At a cost of about $1.8 million, the project should improve environmental conditions at both locations, according to Steve Way, the EPA's on-scene cleanup coordinator. County environmental planner Brian Lorch also said the plan makes sense. 'We should be re-framing this as an opportunity,' Lorch said at a Breckenridge Town Council work session last week. 'The federal government gave us the opportunity to clean up two properties at once,' said Lorch, who has plenty of experience working on mine waste remediation plans for the county's open space department. 'The EPA has very graciously said it will help us,' he added. 'The question is, at what cost?' replied Breckenridge Town Councilmember Dave Rossi, who also lives in the Wellington Neighborhood."
Category: Colorado Water
5:56:17 AM