Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here's an article appealing to wastewater operators to consider using deep injection wells instead of treating sewage, from Derik Howard via Water and Wastewater Blog. He writes:
I'm hoping the readers of this blog can help.
Too many water treatment facilities simply pipe their liquid waste to a municipal treatment facility or zero liquid discharge installation at great expense.
I'm trying to show the owners of facilities that generate wastewater, which includes brine, RO concentrate, reuse residuals, industrial sewerage, that they consider using deep injection wells to dispose of wastewater. Their wastewater disposal costs could be reduced by an order of magnitude and save them millions of dollars.
The following white paper is an introduction to deep injection wells (DIW's). If you know of any plants in California that might profit by considering this alternative means of wastewater disposal, please send this article to them.
Category: Colorado Water
10:16:26 PM

Angler Guide: "Due to a sharp drop in the water level at Smith Reservoir in Costilla County, the Colorado Division of Wildlife has issued an emergency fish salvage order from Aug. 15 through Sept. 3. All bag and possession limits for the lake are temporarily suspended. That means anglers can catch and keep as many fish as they want. Anglers must have a 2007 Colorado fishing license. Only conventional fishing methods are allowed and anglers must abide by all other fishing regulations. The lake is stocked with rainbow trout every year by the Division of Wildlife. The reservoir is dropping as water is called out for irrigation purposes. Smith Reservoir is located just south of the town of Blanca on County Road 12."
Category: Colorado Water
10:04:42 PM
From The Cherry Creek News, "Like the cable and broadcast revolutions, the Internet revolution is redistributing the news audience in ways that has and will continue to benefit some news outlets, while harming others, according to a research report released today by the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government...The biggest gains in audience occurred among the non-traditional news providers. The sites of search engines, service providers, aggregators, and bloggers grew faster on average than the sites of traditional news providers, whether print, broadcast, or cable. The sites of Google, Yahoo, AOL, and MSN, along with sites such as newsvine.com, topix.net, digg.com and reddit.com, saw large increases in traffic during the past year."
6:17:01 PM
Jay Rosen (via the LA Times): "Blowback! That's what you're in for when a great American newspaper runs a Sunday opinion piece as irretrievably lame as "Blogs: All the noise that fits" by Michael Skube (Aug. 19). Skube is a former Pulitzer Prize-winning author who teaches journalism at Elon University in North Carolina."
Professor Rosen's piece mentions several instances where blogs have broken stories, some eventually picked up by traditional media outlets. Read the whole thing. Here's our post from Monday as the story was breaking.
Thanks to Ed Cone (who is mentioned in the article) for the link.
6:00:34 PM

Here's a long, very detailed, article from CO2 Science that looks at studies of stream flow using tree rings and sediment grain size to determine whether warming is having an effect. From the article:
Climate alarmists claim CO2-induced global warming will adversely impact earth's water resources by inducing large changes in global streamflow characteristics. As a result, many scientists are examining long-term proxy streamflow records in an attempt to determine how temperature changes of the 20th century may or may not have impacted this aspect of the planet's hydrologic cycle. We here review some of their findings that pertain to North America, seeking to discover if there have been any 20th-century changes in streamflow regimes in this part of the world that might reasonably be expected to have been caused by 20th-century changes in atmospheric temperature and CO2 concentration, which latter changes the world's climate alarmists typically characterize as having been unprecedented (or nearly so) over thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years, respectively...
In summing up the gist of what was learned by the studies described in this Summary, it can be said they provide no support at all for the climate-alarmist contention that CO2-induced global warming will lead to the occurrence of more severe and longer-lasting droughts and floods throughout North America. These climatic phenomena clearly possess the potential to occur on their own without any help from the "twin evils" of the radical environmentalist movement. And occur again they likely will, if the past is truly prologue to the future, even though hydrologic variability appears to have been somewhat muted throughout the 20th century compared to previous centuries, in contradiction of what climate alarmists typically contend should be the case.
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:44:09 AM

From The Summit Daily News (free registration required), "The Colorado State Forest Service boosted local forest restoration projects by $176,000 on Tuesday. The two grants - $140,000 for Summit County's Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project and $36,000 for the Straight Creek Forest Restoration - are part of a $1 million statewide contribution toward 12 projects that protect critical water supplies. The money comes from the Colorado Community Forest Restoration grant program established with the passage of House Bill 1130, which was introduced by Rep. Dan Gibbs, D-Silverthorne, in the last legislative session...
"The purpose of the state's grant program is to encourage diverse local stakeholders to work together to develop and implement forest restoration projects that protect critical water supplies and address related forest health challenges such as wildfire risk reduction, community protection, ecological restoration and woody biomass utilization."
More coverage from Glenwood Springs Post Independent. They write:
The State Forest Service has awarded $1 million in grants for 12 forest restoration projects to protect water supplies, reduce fire risk and address other issues. The projects are in Boulder, Eagle, Grand, Lake, LaPlata, Larimer, Las Animas, Mesa, Park, Summit and Teller counties. The winners were announced Tuesday. The grants were established by the Legislature this year. They were intended to encourage local groups to cooperate on forest projects. The state will fund up to 60 percent of the cost of each project. Local organizers are responsible for providing the other 40 percent through cash, in-kind contributions, federal funds or other sources.
Category: Colorado Water
6:31:03 AM

The Pueblo Board of Water Works voted this week to keep working on Pueblo's purchase of Lake Minnequa, according to The Pueblo Chieftain. From the article:
The city began working on developing Lake Minnequa into a park and using it to drain the southeastern part of Pueblo in 2004, when it received a $2.3 million Great Outdoors Colorado grant toward a $6 million plan to revitalize the former CF&I holding pond into an amenity. Local officials will meet with GOCo officials later this week to review the status of the grant. The city also is working with the Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District, which would use Lake Minnequa to store and move some of its water. That would help to provide a fresh supply and improve water quality, said Alan Hamel, executive director of the water board...
While the city would develop and maintain the park, the water board would work on water rights at Lake Minnequa. At first, that would mean applying for a substitute water supply plan through the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Later, the water board would have to shepherd a water court case for a storage right at Lake Minnequa. Autobee asked how much the deal would cost the water board. Hamel said he did not have an exact figure, but would draw one up after more details are finalized. In addition to providing augmentation water, the water board would have to pay a carriage fee to Rocky Mountain Steel Mills of about $8,000 a year to move water into Minnequa.
Category: Colorado Water
6:23:22 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
9/1/07; 12:49:07 PM.