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Update on Comcast problems. The technician today gave us the same song and dance about our DHCP lease lasting for four years. In that time we've had one of their modems fail and we've switched routers on our end. Our routers have never been configured to acquire a DHCP address. They are now telling me that getting a static IP will necessitate a new cable modem and an additional $4.95 per month.
This morning required five calls. First to tech services to find out that they're still smoking something and in their world DHCP addresses can last for four years despite new equipment on their part and ours. The second call was to purchase the new static IP and get on the schedule to get a new modem. After choosing the option to add services the line went dead twice.
The third call was to new business services to see if we could get a human. The woman that answered asked for information and then told us that she could not help since she only worked with new services.
The fourth call was back to adding services to an existing account. The nice gentlemen again asked for information before telling us that he couldn't help because some of the business services are contracted out in certain areas. He gave us the phone number of the contractor.
Her voicemail was very polite. The part we don't like is the message that it may take 24 hours to get a return call. Any bets that she really meant, "24 hours or on the next business day," especially on Super Bowl weekend?
Comcast is terrible. 8 phone calls, many hours on hold and talking to reps and techs and still no clear indication of when our static IP will be assigned and working. This is a business account! This is the same phenomenon of crappy service all across the telecoms with their consolidation. Having said that we're calling Qwest today to see about DSL. Our experience with them last century was that they tried very hard but could not keep our connection up since the wiring in our neighborhood dated to the 1920s. Maybe they've solved that problem.
We're wondering about the Dish network also...
Mrs. Gulch told us of a woman in her seventies, Mona Shaw, smashing up a Comcast office in order to get their attention. We own the same brand of hammer, Plumb. We're only middle-aged so we're a bit hesitant to take that step. 
From the article:
Seems as though the Comcast installer failed to show up on the appointed day of Monday, August 13. Two days later, he shows up but only does part of the job. Yet rather than finish the work, Comcast cut off all service to the Shaw's home.
So now we are at Friday, August 17. Shaw and her husband Don drop in at the local Comcast office in Manassas to complain.
They ask for a manager. They are told one will be right out. They wait two hours.
And after two hours, a customer service rep tells the waiting Shaws the manager has gone for the day.
Mona and Don stewed about it all weekend. Then Monday morning, she visits the Comcast office again. Only this time she brings Don's clawhammer.
At this point, Mona proceeds to pick up the hammer and bash a customer service rep's keyboard, bashes the monitor, wrecks the telephone. People scatter and scream, cops come, and Mona Shaw is breakin' the law, breakin' the law.
$345 fine, three-month suspended sentence, and a year-long restraining order keeping her away from the Comcast office.
Yea, as if.
Her phone service is now with Verizon.
We, at least, have service.
6:45:55 AM