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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here's an update on algae blooms in Grand County, from The Sky-Hi Daily News. From the article:
Past late-season algae blooms in Grand Lake and Shadow Mountain Reservoir have prompted a series of algae tests being conducted in Colorado-Big Thompson Project reservoirs and Grand Lake. Bi-weekly and weekly sample-taking and testing, amounting to $40,000, is taking place in Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain, Granby, Willow Creek and Windy Gap reservoirs as part of a program funded by six agencies.
Algae blooms develop in water bodies from increased water temperature and nutrient enrichment. A certain blue-green algae can develop algal toxins, which given sufficient concentration can produce negative health effects from drinking water and some lake recreation. Some summer residences on Grand Lake utilize lake water for domestic use.
The tests are being performed into October, and if a health concern develops from test results, a Grand County Emergency Algal Toxin Response Plan is already in place, approved by Grand County commissioners last Tuesday. The plan outlines levels of toxins that exceed safe drinking water values established by the World Health Organization and when it is appropriate to issue drinking water and swimming advisories.
Category: Colorado Water
6:37:23 AM

From The Pueblo Chieftain: "A power generation cooperative is asking District 2 Water Court Judge Dennis Maes to dismiss a challenge to its change of use application on water rights in the Amity Canal. Tri-State filed two motions last week on the premise that arguments raised by Environment Colorado in its Aug. 4 motion to dismiss the Tri-State application are flawed and that the group has no standing in water court."
More from the article:
Tri-State's motions:
Respond to Environment Colorado's arguments against Tri-State's change of water rights case, and ask the court to determine that the association may change use of its water rights that are stored in and released from John Martin Reservoir.
Ask the court to determine that Environment Colorado has not alleged or shown injury and therefore lacks standing, and to determine that Environment Colorado's issues are outside the jurisdiction of the Water Court. Tri-State asks that Environment Colorado's case be dismissed, or alternatively, that Environment Colorado's participation in the case be limited to only cross-examination on relevant matters.
Other responses opposing Environment Colorado's arguments were filed by the Colorado State and Division Engineers, Amity Mutual Irrigation Company, Buffalo Canal Company, City of Lamar, and Five Rivers Ranch Cattle Feeding LLC; Lower Arkansas Water Management Association; and Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District.
Tri-State is a not-for-profit wholesale power supplier owned by 44 electric cooperatives and public power districts in rural areas of four states.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:31:45 AM

Here's some background on Reclamation's extended comment period for the environmental impact statement for Colorado Springs' proposed Southern Delivery System, from The Pueblo Chieftain. From the article:
A new section on water quality impacts in the environmental impact statement for the proposed Southern Delivery System is being drafted and will be subject to a public comment period after it is released...
Lamb said the new analysis will augment and support the existing draft EIS. Several comments submitted during the comment period for the draft EIS questioned whether Reclamation's assessment of water quality impacts of SDS were sufficient to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Ross Vincent, a Sierra Club senior consultant, said Monday he has been requesting comments on SDS from the Environmental Protection Agency for weeks, but they have not been available. "I was told they were still in discussion with the bureau about additional analysis that might be needed," Vincent said. Vincent said he does not know if Reclamation's action addresses all the concerns brought up about SDS, and the opinion of some that a new analysis with broader alternatives should be made. "The additional analysis is badly needed," Vincent said. "Whether it will make the EIS acceptable remains to be seen. The water quality analysis was not the only part of the EIS that fell short."[...]
Some questioned why Reclamation ignored other potential water projects in the area, including a dam on Fountain Creek, pump-back storage plan in Fremont County, a reservoir east of Pueblo, a proposed pipeline to El Paso County from that reservoir, a plan that could bring water from Flaming Gorge Reservoir into the Arkansas Valley and the Arkansas Valley Conduit.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:25:28 AM

From The Loveland Reporter Herald: "The commissioners met with staff members Monday afternoon to review comments from county staffers, boards and commissions about the Northern Integrated Supply Project draft environmental impact statement...
"The commissioners wanted more time and a separate meeting to discuss the two possible realignments of U.S. 287, which would have to be relocated across a ridge to the east to accommodate the reservoir. If built, it would be northwest of Fort Collins near the intersection of U.S. 287 and the Poudre Canyon highway, Colorado 14. They will include that information in a letter to the Army Corps. Staff members will draft it this week and present it to the commissioners during their weekly administrative matters meeting on Sept. 2. The commissioners also decided they did not want the Army Corps to evaluate the recreation benefits of Glade because that is not the purpose of the proposed reservoir."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:18:25 AM

Glenwood Springs' whitewater park has received a shout out from National Geographic, according to The Glenwood Springs Post Independent. From the article:
The Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park is making national waves and just appeared in National Geographic Adventure magazine. The whitewater park turned up in the September issue of the magazine in a section called "Next Weekend: Instant Adventures." It went out earlier this month. "Thanks to a new million dollar whitewater park, paddlers are guaranteed a standing wave in the heart of town almost any day of the year. 'Super sick' is how kayakers are extolling Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park's main feature, an eight foot high crest," the magazine says. "It's a brilliant venue for anyone's arsenal of playboating tricks, be they spins, blunts or McNasties."[...]
The park could get a lot more attention next year. The United States Freestyle Kayaking Association announced in April that the Glenwood Springs Whitewater Park was awarded the 2009 U.S. Kayak Freestyle Team Trials. The trials determine who goes to the 2009 world championships...
[Jason] Carey said Glenwood's whitewater park is unique because it's one of the few parks around that creates an actual wave that boaters and even surfers can hydroplane on. Most parks are more of a hole rather than a wave. The holes are caused by a "pour over" of water rather than constricting the river to get the water's speed up, Carey said. "The ultimate goal and the reason that Glenwood was awarded the nationals and no other town in Colorado was is because it does create a wave," Carey said. "The waves are really rare, but that's the ultimate goal of freestyle kayaking." He said kayakers can do lots more tricks on a wave compared to a hole.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:08:23 AM
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