Bill Ritter passed by Russell George and named Harris Sherman to lead the Department of Natural Resources, according to 9News.com From the article, "Governor-elect Bill Ritter has appointed Harris Sherman, former head of the Department of Natural Resources, to return as executive director...Sherman served as head of the Department of Natural Resources from 1975 to 1980 under former Governor Dick Lamm. He left to become a senior partner with the law firm of Arnold and Porter, practicing law in the areas of natural resources, environment, water, land-use and public-land use."
More coverage from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. They write, "Sherman, who filled the same post from 1974-1980 under former Gov. Dick Lamm, is a senior partner with the Washington, D.C.-based, law firm of Arnold & Porter LLC. According to his Web site, Sherman specializes in environmental and natural resources law along with Indian affairs, ski area law, energy, public lands and water law...
"Possible climate changes undoubtedly will affect water supplies, which already are being challenged to meet the demands of the expanding Front Range population, Sherman said. He reiterated what Ritter has said, that the Front Range needs to do more to conserve existing water supplies before it looks to the Western Slope for relief...
"Sherman didn't rule out further expansion of Western Slope water storage facilities but said Front Range storage should come first. Any future proposals to develop Western Slope storage need to be addressed on a state-wide basis, he said...
"Penry noted that Sherman is a commissioner on the Denver Water Board, a position that inevitably will come up during the confirmation hearings. Rep. Kathleen Curry, D-Gunnison, who served on the Ritter transition team selection committee for the Department of Natural Resources, said Sherman's prior experience with the DNR along with his strong background in water and natural resources law makes him 'very qualified' to head the department."
From the Rocky Mountain News, "Eddie Kochman, a retired state fisheries manager and a member of one of Ritter's transition committees, credited Sherman with championing the successful effort to establish minimum in-stream flows in Colorado. The standards, which were fought by some water users, ensure that a certain amount of water is maintained in streams and rivers to protect wildlife habitat. 'Time and time again, against great odds, Harris saved that program,' said Kochman, who worked with him to establish the program."
Category: Colorado Water
6:46:51 AM