Denver November 2008 Election


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  Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A picture named fountaincreek.jpg

U.S. Congressman Mark Udall is still trying to hang 2003's failed Referendum A around Bob Schaffer's neck, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article:

U.S. Senate candidate Mark Udall gathered a flock of fellow Democrats on the banks of Fountain Creek in Pueblo to discuss water, an issue he says distinguishes himself from opponent Bob Schaffer. "Water is precious. Water is the lifeblood of the West," Udall, a Democratic congressman, said. "I want to bring people together to make sure we protect and enhance this precious resource."

Udall pointed to his own positions on Southern Colorado water and land use issues as decisive.

- He called for a more complete environmental impact statement on the Southern Delivery System, for the same reason he asked for an EIS on Aurora's contract with Reclamation last year: to avoid litigation.

- He advocated adequate flood control on Fountain Creek.

- He wants to make eminent domain off-limits for the Army in its desire to expand its area at the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.

- He supports legislation to build the Arkansas Valley Conduit, a project to deliver water to communities east of Pueblo provided for under the 1962 Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.

"We owe it to people to deliver on a promise we made in the 1960s," Udall said.

Meanwhile Schaffer and Udall squared off on Monday night in Pueblo, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette. From the article:

... both favored additional studies of the Southern Delivery System, a proposed pipeline to bring water to Colorado Springs from Pueblo Reservoir. Schaffer went further, calling on Colorado Springs to come up with additional "tens of millions" to reduce the impact of additional water flow in Fountain Creek, which carries Colorado Springs' effluent into downtown Pueblo. Colorado Springs says the pipeline is crucial to its economic health and wants to complete the project by 2012, but more studies would jeopardize that deadline.

Update Here's the coverage of the debate from the Pueblo Chieftain. They write:

With a Senate seat at stake, Rep. Mark Udall and former Rep. Bob Schaffer came to Colorado State University-Pueblo and challenged each other over the war in Iraq, energy development and Southern Colorado water and land questions during a one-hour televised debate Monday night...

...Udall touted his regional work on Southern Colorado water projects, such as supporting the Arkansas Valley Conduit pipeline, Schaffer acknowledged that he had been a parochial congressman in fighting for 4th District issues...

On energy, Schaffer said Aspect Energy supports wind power and other renewable sources, as well as oil development. Noting he supports offshore drilling as well as oil shale production, Schaffer said, "I am the only candidate that supports a broad-based energy policy."

Udall acknowledged that he has fought the Bush administration's effort to speed up Colorado oil shale development, saying the technology is still not ready. "I'm not going to let others tell us how to develop oil shale before we know its impact on our communities," Udall said.

Category: Colorado Water
6:16:13 AM    

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