Updated: 2002/11/28; 22:55:57.

daily link  Monday, 25 November, 2002

Today's dive into mark...
...is absolutely hysterical. I haven't laughed out loud at something like this since... uh... the last time I did.

Anyway, well worth your time to read it.  10:21:46 PM  permalink  

"I got you!"
A picture named IGotYou.jpgOne final entry before I head to sleep. A quick little video of Jack playing in the leaves at the zoo today.  12:55:29 AM  permalink  

Fall Foliage Redux
I realized that there were five pictures I left off of my photo album of our fall foliage drive a few weeks back. The sunset was stunning. Go see for yourself. It's the last 5 pictures on the page.

I can't wait until we get the pictures from the actual camera developed...  12:50:31 AM  permalink  

Trip to the National Zoo
A picture named JackNMom.jpgWhen we took Jack to the National Zoo in July, he still could barely talk and he only cared about water. Excuse me, "wa wa." We have all this video footage that goes something like this:

[Elephant walks by]

Mom: Jack! Look at that elephant!

Jack: Wa wa!

[Giraffe pokes his yead up]

Dad: Jack! Look! It's a giraffe!

Jack: Wa wa!

Today, he got really into the animals and had a great time. This picture is Jack's reaction to seeing elephants. He was so happy he hugged Ann.  12:20:10 AM  permalink  

You thought OtterCam was good, this is better...
A picture named Otter-1.jpgI'd never seen otters in person before. They have to be, hands down, one of the funniest animals I've ever seen. They are so expressive and get right up and in your face. Literally.

A picture named Otter-2.jpgThis one kept opening and closing his mouth. Maybe he was trying to say something?
  12:17:21 AM  permalink  

Do Police Breed in Captivity?
A picture named Zoo-Exhibits.jpgThis is a small part of the map at the National Zoo. I love that there's finally a zoo where you can go watch Police. There's probably some sign saying not to toss donuts into the exhibit. There's also a bat cave joke here somewhere. Can't quite find it right now...  12:14:57 AM  permalink  

Copyright 2002 © Andy J. Williams Affleck .
Last update: 2002/11/28; 22:55:57 .

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