Skywave : Doc Searls & friends on the end of radio as usual.
Updated: 10/8/02; 10:22:22 PM.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Obsessions: Radio is a Hotel California occupation. You can leave the business, but it never leaves you. Dean Landsman and I share some history in the biz, the difference being that Dean stayed with it a lot longer than I did. Here's his latest tale.
11:25:05 PM    comment []

Living up to its name: Wild Bill is taking Radio Paradise on a trip to another namesake — from Paradise, CA, to Costa Rica. By the way, Bill has some cool little music monitors that display in a little window what's playing on the station. Suitably, he has them for Linux, Mac and Windows.
10:42:11 PM    comment []

Applied Homonymics: Here's a cool-looking low-power household FM transmitter from Skywave Electronics. I have the much funkier-looking Ramsey FM-100, which comes in a kit that takes about 400 hours to build if you're as mistake-prone as I am. But it rocks, so check it out. The pirates love it.
2:33:59 PM    comment []

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