Skywave : Doc Searls & friends on the end of radio as usual.
Updated: 10/8/02; 10:23:37 PM.


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Saturday, September 21, 2002

Good Radio
Yesterday on my main blog I waxed at length about my old radio days in North Carolina. Today my old friend Steve Tulsky, whom I met when we were both at WDBS, reminds me that even the guys who ran big successful competing commercial stations (our enemies when we were working for our little starving barely-commercial station) were terrific broadcasters; and that Raleigh-Durham really was exceptionally well-stocked with Good Radio.

Near as I can tell, it still is. WUNC is a first-rank NPR affiliate with a huge signal. WCPE is a first-rank noncommerial classical station, with a signal that's just as big. WNCU is a relatively new jazz/public station broadcasting from WDBS's old tower just outside of Durham — with a much bigger signal. All three remain brave enough to stream on the Net in MP3, as well as other formats.

WXDU is the direct descendant of WDBS at Duke University, and also streams on the Web. So does WXYC, the student station in Chapel Hill. In fact, WXYC has been streaming on the Net longer than any other station on Earth.

I'm sure some of the commercial stations are also fine. Don Curtis, who owns a bunch of the big'ns around there, is another Real Radio Guy who hasn't caved in and sold out to Clear Channel. Bless him.
9:25:16 AM    comment []

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