Perenial candidate John Kerry is coming to Arizona on Monday, and in fact I will need to find alternate parking because he is taking up the whole parking lot at the place I work. This is not the reason I don't support him though. Kerry, in addition to his hypocritical stance on Bush's war, doesn't represent the bulk of the countries Democrats. But I'll go listen to him Monday, I won't be able to avoid it - he'll be right where I am.
The local paper (The Arizona Republic) seem to have jumped on his train though, Saturday's headlines were something like "Kerry Wins". They regard Dean as too personally involved, and they don't understand Clark. John Edwards seems to be marginalizing himself - he's running for vice president anyway. And Dennis Kucinich can't pull himself out of his rut.
I won't be voting for Kerry in Tuesday's primary - either Clark or Dean will get my vote, and since my phone is out of order, Dean's people can't blow it for him this time. If Kerry does win the Democratic nomination, I may just skip voting in November for the first time since 1972 (McGovern vs Nixon).
No, I'll vote, because the only two words I can think of scarier than 'President Kerry' are 'President Cheney'.

Yikes! Has it really been that long since I posted? Well, my DSL has been out for the last few days. It has! And I'm sticking to that story too.
Here's a couple pictures:
Unsharpened Pencils in a cup on Gray Construction Paper

Are You Looking at Me?