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Friday, April 15, 2005

For the first time ever, I did my taxes early. I took care of it this morning. In addition to paying for our wars, salaries for some pompus asses and courtesy checks for old farts, we also get to do pretty much what we want. Well, a lot of it anyway. So when you send the check, remember you're paying for your freedom. Don't let them forget it either.


Bulletin board mavin, Iliah has posted an article by Dan Margulis that has prompted me to rethink upgrading to the new version of Photoshop later this month. Rather than the inclusion of a copy protection scheme (one that has not appeared on the Mac platform previously) the worst part now seems to be an unbundling of the file browser.

Because of Bruce Fraser's white paper on Camera Raw files (which Adobe no longer has on their website - but fortunately, the author has expanded to a book) I began using the file browser for more than just a thumbnail preview tool. I now apply ACR settings to all of my Raw files while in the file browser as part of my accelerated work flow. Switching to a seperate application would mean this process would need to be re-created with new tools, with no guarantee that the functinality would be the same (and no hint it would be an improvement.)

Adobe should be aware that by taking side steps in their upgrade subscription, that they are not shipping enough improvements for their customers. And there are competitors on the horizon.



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