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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
When I got home, there was a lizard in the sink. I saw it when I first walked in to the kitchen, a quick movement in my right periphreral vision. I dismissed it as a halucination because I just worked 11 hours.

Then I saw it again — it was small, 6, 7 centimeters, including the tail, which was intact, so I don't think the cat had been at it. It was also brown, and its head seemed bulbous. Almost too big.

I spent some time chasing it back and forth in the sink, but it could not climb the wall, except with my unwitting assistance. I pressed it against the wall in an attempt to grab it, and the added pressure gave it enough friction to almost escape the sink!

But I eventually did capture it. I grasped it firmly right between it's legs and it went into torpor, sure it was about to be eaten. When I took it to the front porch, it paused for a second in disbelief, I'm sure. Then it ran along the concrete wall and jumped to the ground.

On the way back in, I teased the cat with lizard smell on my fingers.



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