Tuesday, September 17, 2002

My Aggregator is Back

For the past two weeks or so I noticed that many of the sites I subscribe to were not showing up in my news aggregator. Finally had time to do some digging on the discussion groups today and ran the following script in Radio:
user.scheduler.everyMinute.aggregator = @xml.aggregator.everyMinute

So far that seems to have done the trick. Kinda missed some of those sources...

8:33:19 PM    Comment []Trackback []

Web-based editing tools. Paul Browning maintains an excellent list of TTW WYSIWYG Editor Widgets. For the rest of us, TTW stands for "through... [Column Two]
8:26:20 PM    Comment []Trackback []

Getting a website moving. Peter Merholz has written an article outlining eight steps to get your Web site moving again. In it, he discusses... [Column Two]
8:24:04 PM    Comment []Trackback []

Lists of CMS vendors. I've been collecting lists of CMS vendors for a while, and two new webpages were quietly published on our site... [Column Two]
8:22:31 PM    Comment []Trackback []

Usability and Extreme Programming?. Usability News has published a series of articles which explore the relationship between user-centred design and Extreme Programming (XP). Each... [Column Two]
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