Monday, January 06, 2003

Outlook Based Aggregator. Greg Reinacker: ...possibly coming soon to a weblog near you. Anyone interested in something like this? No hablo Outlook. ;-)

Looks real cool, though.

[Sam Ruby]
9:22:25 AM    Trackback []

A conversation with Ray Ozzie. Ray Ozzie, founder, chairman, and CEO of Groove Networks, has been a creator and harnesser of disruptive technology since the dawn of the client/server age. In a conversation with InfoWorld Test Center Director Steve Gillmor and Lead Analyst Jon Udell, Ozzie discusses the unique nature of disruptive technologies, the role of collaboration tools in the workplace, and the emerging law of unintended consequences. [Full story at] ... [Jon's Radio]
8:53:16 AM    Trackback []

The disruptive Web. If you're creating a Web service that you hope will have a disruptive impact, the lessons are clear. Support HTTP GET-style URLs. Design them carefully, matching de facto standards where they exist. Keep the URLs short, so people can easily understand, modify, and trade them. Establish a blog reputation. Use the blog network to promote the service and enable users of the service to self-organize. It all adds up to a recipe for recombinant growth. [Full story at] ... [Jon's Radio]
8:52:53 AM    Trackback []