Tuesday, May 06, 2003

On the Web, Without Wasting Time. Small businesses that want to build a Web site will find that doing so is easier than in the pioneering mid-90's. By Lisa Guernsey. [New York Times: Technology]
9:14:51 AM    Trackback []

NewzCrawler as Aggregator. In making the switch from Radio to Movable Type, I needed to find a replacement for my News Aggregator. I tried several - including Amphetadesk and NewsGator - before deciding on NewzCrawler. Some of the key features that make NewzCrawler... [tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]
9:04:10 AM    Trackback []

Newsblaster and Agonist for News.

Besides Google News, there are a couple other sites to look at for news aggregations. Maciej Ceglowski has this to say about Newsblaster:

Columbia has a news digest site they call Newsblaster which is the best I've ever seen. Each news category has a summary auto-synthesized out of a slew of articles that their crawler finds. Unlike Google news, which just pastes together the lead sentences of several stories, Columbia does some sophisticated processing on the text to actually pick out and rank the most relevant sentences. Then it figures out how to stitch them together.

The second site is Agonist, which is a blog by Sean-Paul Kelley. Very good compilations.

Marciej has an interesting thought: "You can imagine how useful good auto-generated summaries would be in a blog aggregator/categorization tool." We should think about doing this...I too have often thought of how a summarizer could be a good thing to have.

[E M E R G I C . o r g]
9:01:03 AM    Trackback []

A Once And Present Innovator, Still Pushing Buttons. The NY Times is running a nice profile of Dan Bricklin and the work he's now doing as part of Interland (since they bought Trellix late last year). They portray him as a guy who is always looking to figure out how to make it easier for small business to adopt new technologies. It's not hard to guess where that reputation came from, I guess... [Techdirt]
8:58:19 AM    Trackback []