Monday, November 17, 2003 | |
RSS Portlet, served rare.. I want to put my program in your program. Really, I want users of your program to use some of my user interface. You, know, kinda like a rectangle of stuff on MyYahoo!. That's what portlets are for, packaging up what gets shared and how. Documentum and Plumtree and friends set up the Portlet Open Source Trading site (POST) on SourceForge to share portlets. Just download the war files and your app server's portlet container should make it available. The first is an RssPortlet: "Rss Portlet views Rss 0.91 and 2.0 newsfeeds. It includes edit mode for adding or eliminating additional newsfeeds." There's also a GooglePortlet. All per the JSR 168 Portlet Spec and the OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets TC. All very fresh and beta, but portlets offer nearly drag and drop extensibility to portals (for developers at least). So what?
[a klog apart] 1:41:15 PM Trackback [] |
Personal Wiki PIM - Update I.
Here's a perfect example of why Ed's blog is in my subscription list. This is excellent perspective on similar experiments I've been trying to get some traction on. [McGee's Musings]1:18:37 PM Trackback [] |
Wiki - KM survey..
Something to follow up on later this week. [McGee's Musings]1:14:41 PM Trackback [] |