Monday, December 22, 2003 | |
XML for the rest of us. "The relational database is designed to serve up rows and columns," said BEA's Adam Bosworth in his keynote talk. "But our model of the world is documents. It's 'Tell me everything I want to know about this person or this clinical trial.' And those things are not flat, they're complex. Now we have the way to get not only the hospital records and prescriptions but also the doctor's write-ups."By the way, Adam Bosworth said a great many other interesting things in his XML 2003 talk. For those of you not inclined to watch this QuickTime clip -- and in particular for the search crawlers -- I would like to enter the following quote into the public record. ... [Jon's Radio] 11:11:13 AM Trackback [] |
rss winterfest 2004.... DecisionCast announces IDG's InfoWorld as Media Sponsor for RSS WinterFest 2004, a free, two day Webcast, wiki, and Weblog event on January 21-22, 2004, that will explore the uses, applications, and future of RSS and Internet content syndication. "More and more companies and organizations are using RSS to alleviate e-mail overload as well as to manage projects, deliver important information, create effective knowledge management and content management systems, and push information to their customers." Featured speakers include: -- Anil Dash Vice President, Business Development, Six Apart 8:48:24 AM Trackback [] |
Editor's Choice Awards in Open Source.... Rajesh Jain blogged the The 2003 Editor's Choice Awards in Open Source - I added the 'links' and the 'Best of Platform' category. Summary: Best Application in... Best Applications: Best of Platform: 8:45:51 AM Trackback [] |
intersection of knowledge management and blogging.... Back on 19 September 2003, Jim McGee referenced a post by Jon Udell on Kimbro Staken's new science experiment, Syncato. And now - actually twelve days ago - Silicon Valley Biz Ink published a press release - Sleepycat Software Honors XML Innovators. Sleepycat Software, makers of Berkeley DB announced results for the 2003 Berkeley DB XML Innovation Awards. XML technology consultant Kimbro Staken took the second place award for developing Syncato, a weblog or "blogging" application that combines an easy-to-use online personal idea log with advanced knowledge management and publishing capabilities. Staken's system stores each personal log as XML that can then be searched via XPath. "Syncato maximizes the value of people's ideas and information in blogs by making them easily searchable," said Staken. "Under the hood, the Syncato weblog system is a XML fragment management system that relies on the flexibility of Berkeley DB XML to store XML natively alongside non-XML and semi-structured data." [judith meskill's knowledge notes...]8:42:18 AM Trackback [] |