Friday, January 16, 2004

Blazing trails with RSS. Few would doubt that RSS has an important role in content syndication. Some might even say, myself included, that we have yet to see the full potential of RSS, especially given the opportunity of RSS extension by namespaces and modularisation. It's probably a fact that at present the most popular way of creating an RSS file is as a result of writing for a weblog. I should mention at this stage that I'll use RSS file and RSS feed interchangeably throughout this piece. Most weblogging software automatically creates RSS feeds... [Lockergnome's RSS Resource]
10:05:30 AM    Trackback []

Nurturing & sustaining knowledge. If you ask what is needed to create knowledge, gather and evaluate insights, collect and synthesize new perspectives you are likely to be met with blank stares or stony silence in most KM spaces So what works for you? *... [Knowledge-at-work]
10:01:29 AM    Trackback []

Bottom-Up Phenomenon. I have posted a great deal about the bottom-up phenomenon. Socialtext embraces it both in how our product works, how we sell it and how we run the company. David Kirkpatrick writes in Fortune about the Bottom-up Economy that I... [Ross Mayfield's Weblog]
9:51:03 AM    Trackback []