Updated: 9/1/2002; 6:57:20 PM.
Saturday, August 31, 2002 |
Inspired by Mark Pilgrim's archives and based on Rael Dornfest's blosxom and blagg, I've created blotter which will render my archives. The site's style is intended to be temporary and the code is quite fluid at this point.
4:10:42 PM
Dave Winer: Sam Ruby posted a table showing the evolution of various formats called RSS. I sent him a bunch of corrections. Thanks! Keep the corrections coming! I've also tried to capture in bold when the various elements were first introduced.
3:30:55 PM
Dave Winer: Of course we point to our competitor. An informed reader would want to know about Coble. His site is part of the big picture. Gotta link to it. Makes sense, right?
12:21:22 PM
I've posted a quick summary of the elements in each of the RSS versions. Corrections welcome.
12:17:45 PM