Dealing with Diversity

By Sam Ruby, February 22, 2002.

The document explores the role metadata about object types plays in the goal of achieving meaningful, robust, and reliable web services interoperability between diverse platforms.

What is '1' + '2' ? #

Let's ask a few languages:
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
  putc('1' + '2', stdout);

print '1' + '2';

print '1' + '2'

Unfortunately, you get three different answers.  'c', 3, and "12".

What's going on here?

Strong Typing #

Both C and Perl both look at the operation '+', realize that it is an operation that applies to numeric operands, coerce the inputs to comply and then execute the operation.  Whereas C coerces based on the underlying bit pattern of the physical representation, Perl coerces based on the assumption that the arguments are string representations of numeric quantities.

Python on the other hand looks at the operands, sees that they are strings, and then selects the appropriate operation based on the input data type.

I selected Perl and C as they are perhaps the most canonical example of a scripting language and a language which is most definitely not a scripting language.  Both, however, are weakly typed.

Python, on the other hand, is strongly typed.  I'm using that term in the sense that Mark Pilgrim does in Dive Into Python, namely that once a variable has a data type, it actually matters.

Many other languages follow this approach: Java, JavaScript, C#, Ruby, etc.  This distinction cuts across the artificial dividing line between scripting and non-scripting languages.  Perhaps one could explore whether compiled vs. interpreted is the true distinction; or if static typing is the true distinction between the two, but in either case, I can provide counter examples and at the moment I really don't want to digress too far.

What it does mean is that meta data about arguments is often very helpful.  In statically typed languages, this data is most useful at design time.  In dynamically typed languages, this information is useful at runtime.  Either way, if you want to reliably get the results you want, you need to call the correct operation with the correct data types and provide information about those data types.  That doesn't mean that some languages can't accept a wider range of operands.  Or even that the recipient language care about what data type the sender thinks it is sending.

To take a concrete example, COM's IDispatch interface provided this information at runtime.  The result was rather one sided.  Clients were expected to send the information about the types of the data along with the data itself, servers were expected to compensate.  

Other Common Examples #

Strings and numerics tend to be primitives in most modern languages.  However, it is worth noting that WebService usage will likely deviate from intra-language usage in terms of the common profile of data types for procedure arguments.

A prime example is XML itself.  I have no concrete data to back this up yet, but my intuition is that passing XML as arguments is something that will occur in a greater frequency with WebServices than you have seen to date with platform APIs.  Passing XML as an argument can be achieved in multiple ways.  One is to recognize that XML is inherently nestable, which would lead one to the logical conclusion that directly embedding the XML is the right choice.  Other alternatives are to encode the stream as base64, hex, or even as a string (using entity notation such as &lt;).  These approaches not only bloat the datastream, they tend to obscure the distinction between the metadata (e.g. element names) from the content.

More subtle examples can be found here.  In general, the more knowledge about the intent of the operation the runtime has, the more accurately and automatically can the desired result be obtained. 

Passing the Time in Perl  #

Times are often important in network based protocols, yet tend not to be primitive in most programming languages.  In Perl, for example, times are commonly dealt with as an integral number of seconds since some reference point (typically January 1, 1970).  The runtime knows of it as an integer.  Perl also has another common representation for times, namely as an array of 7 integers with 0 based months, 1 based days, and 1900 based years.  Passing either representation, as is, via a web service could only be decipherable if the receiving side knew that it was using the Perl conventions, what epoc is used on that machine, and that the intent was to this data is to be interpreted as a date. This is a bit much to expect, and goes against the goals of platform and language neutrality that many find appealing with SOAP.

Alternatively, the developer could add a the necessary conversions on both sides.  In fact, Perl excels at pulling apart strings and putting them back together.  A typical SOAP encoded date would look like 2002-02-22T16:32:07Z.  One could clearly dissect this with a regular expression such as:


Or one could realize that much of this work has been done before, and you could use HTTP::Date in combination with gmttime to do the work for you.  Going the other way, producing a SOAP encoded date can be done with strftime, thus:

strftime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", $value;

All this does is show that the work CAN be done.  But done this way, the process of communicating a simple timestamp in a web service is both tedious and error prone.  Furthermore, it requires the developer to be an expert on the underlying transport protocol.  By contrast, SOAP implementations which are aware of the intent on both sides of the wire can do all of this conversion automatically and seamlessly.

Social Engineering #

Here's a excerpt from chapter 6 of "Programming Perl":

Languages have different personalities.  You can classify computer languages by how introverted or extroverted they are; for instance Icon and Lisp are stay-at-home languages, while Tcl and various shells are party animals.  Self-sufficient languages prefer to compete with other languages, while social languages prefer to cooperate with other languages.  As usual, Perl tries to do both.

This is a distinction that I do find useful.  There are languages designed to produce efficient, reliable, and robust components.  These languages tend to be better for the production of the serving side of web services than the consumption or client side.  Over time emphasis has moved from the first criteria (efficiency) towards the latter criteria (robustness), and accordingly one does see a movement of programmers from languages like C to languages like Java.

On the other side, there are languages which are more adaptable.  They can be used to produce reusable components, but they can also be used to script or glue together components of various origins.  As a general rule, if you picture a tree representing components arranged so that they solve a particular problem, you will typically find social languages at the 'top' and less social languages at the 'leaves'. 

Given this reality, models like COM's IDispatch have things backwards.  It is the adaptable languages that are expected to dictate, and the rigid languages which are expected to comply.  

Conclusion #

Until recently, most programming activities were mono-cultures focused around a language centric base.  A much more successful model is emerging.  One in which the service provider has an opportunity to suggest what data types it would prefer.  This gives the intended consumer an opportunity to adapt if it so chooses.  Ultimately the service provider will decide whether or not it can process the request as sent.


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