Monday, August 16, 2004 |
Whenever set backs like this happen I sit back and think there is no solution, but sooner or later an idea appears and I have to test it out. Here is the one for today: How about calling for abstention in next month regional elections? Yes, we will be ceding the country to Chavez, but with the kind of cheating they are willing to produce they'll get that anyway. If it is true that the opposition is 60% of the vote and that there was a 20% abstention that will mean nearly 70% abstention, will it not? and the chavistas getting 100% (or nearly) of the rest, will remain naked and discovered.
7:59:07 PM
Chavez named as referendum winner. President Hugo Chavez has won a referendum on his rule, electoral authorities in Venezuela say. [BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition] How believable is it that the opposition got less votes than signatures? Why hasn't the Carter Center and OAS talk about this? What will happen in this country? Whatever the truth is one thing is clear: We are screw up for years to come...
7:19:06 AM
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