Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:57:44 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Tuesday, 22 October 2002

David the chicken squeezerLife goes on - While I was at res school, we took delivery of thirteen day old "meat chicks." These little fella's grow at an extrodinary rate. You can notice their growth daily! Bred to grow they are.

Well most of them are. You see David, my delightful two-year old son decided to "love" some of them. In the space of about 40 seconds he managed to squeeze four of them to death. Well three died instantly. One other had to be put down by yours truely.

Suffice to say, security measures in the chick enclosure were strengthened and the remaining nine are doing well. Sue and I built a small enclosure for them along side the main chook yard. They seem to be adjusting well to living outside. We look forward to their maturity in about seven weeks time!

3:00:12 PM    Comments ()  

Wattle - we rememberIt's ok to emote - We've been sadened by the carnage in Bali. Like many Australian's, we were shocked to hear of the bombing and the loss of so many lives. So many Australian lives. What is interesting is the attempt by many to reach out and individuate the tradegy by identifying with someone, no matter how tenuous the link. Being able to connect personally to the tradegy somehow, seems to make the emotion one feels justifyable.

It's ok to cry just because.

You don't need to know someone who knows someone who knows a friend of someone who was injured or even killed to legimately feel saddened by this tragedy. It's ok.

At res school earlier this month we had a lecturer who gave cameos of the lives of ten or so folk who were impacted by the September 11 destructions. One of who was his sister. She survived. But as he identified others who didn't survive, and related his connection to each of them, the lecture theatre grew still. Quiet. Deathly quiet. Many an eye was wiped. Many a breath was checked.

We were being connected to the tragedy.

But I cried when I heard listened to the news of September 12. I cry now when I remember. I cried when Dr Donelley described the impact to his friends, collegues and family. I didn't need him to relate his connection to feel. I felt becasue I am human. I grieve because the spirit of God who lives inside of me grieves. What else can I do?

Feel because you can. Don't wait for an excuse.

2:55:56 PM    Comments ()  

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