Updated: 2/01/2003; 12:44:18 PM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Sunday, 1 December 2002

Potato Mounds

Potatoes - These odd shaped little mounds are not the result of moles. There are potatoes growing inside. We bought 19 kg of "seed potatoes" in spring and planted them out in October. We didn't do anything particularly special - just buried them about a centimetre or so below the surface of the dirt and covered them with mulch. The special thing we did was to plant them "eye" up. You know the eyes of potatoes - the little green shoots that start growing on the potatoes in your cupboard...

Well they all started to grow about two or three weeks ago. And I've covered them with mulch three times now - just leaving the tips of the leaves showing. They [my Mum and Dad] say that you should continue doing this as long as the plant keeps growing - to ensure a large and "white" potato crop. If the sun comes in contact with the potatoes they go green and can be poisonous!

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