Monday, February 04, 2002 |
11:51:37 PM
So I got 9 out of 10 on the Fool Super Bowl Ads Pop Quiz, only missed one, this cause I was so enthralled that Zeppelin fans are now the target audience of Cadillac, apparently I missed the point of the spot.
Why did I do this well ? How can you score this well next year ? This is how. This is one of the side benefits of blogging. Dave brought me lots of friends too, thanks Dave !
Also, we doubt there's truth to the rumour that AT&T/mlife.com having fallen flat on its face during the game with its sorry excuse for advertising was seen outside the game handing out copies of Radio Userland to one and all in preperation for next year ;-)
12:31:36 AM
12:27:42 AM
And close to last, looks like the wraps are completely off the terrorism thing as we are even doing antidrug.com terrorism spots. Isn't is said that it has come to this to keep our kids off drugs ? this and Phillip Morris are definitely the lowlights today.
12:24:42 AM
Best commercial without one spoken word ? M. Jeffrey Jordan or father of the year NOT. Still a presence (present to the NBA and us too) as you said "Michael ?" and then felt good when it was him. Wonder what his kids think ? Minus 3 points for abandoning your children to play basketball = 4.
12:21:22 AM
Nascar comments, how about the annoying cars coming at you on the bottom during commentary after the game. Does anybody watch this stuff ? yes, they do and as long as they keep crashing they will keep watching. Still way irritating. Oh and Darrell Waltrip doesn't know how to hold the microphone to be on TV, this is so Nascary. Nascary ? Is this Nass car ee or is it Na scary. Thought the first but kind of like the second.
12:17:56 AM
2nd Quizno's with the guillotine :-) liked this too, odd as the first but it set up what was coming and then delivered = 7.
12:17:02 AM
Chris Rock movie ? wow, remember what I was saying about Sam Jackson, is Chris Rock in this league. Either way, I might even watch this one. This is one of the few (2 ?) movie commercials which drew me in = 6.
12:14:49 AM
M&M checks in, like this one, held my attention early as I tried to figure it out where it was going = 6.
12:12:43 AM
Andy Richter show ? They've got to be kidding, think we could get him to takle Connaan with him ? I way we dump both shows. Andy = 1 (no too objective here).
12:08:42 AM
Wow, just checked the email, looks like some have been visitting, Thanks to those who were concerned that since the updates stopped I might have died. No such luck :-)
12:03:51 AM
Digital technology mentioned earlier ? PVR, if you haven't a Personal Video Recorder by now get your behind out and get one now. I use the Dish Player (it sucks but the idea is great). You can get the DishPlayer, Tivo, Ultimate TV or Replay TV. When I get behind on the commercials (or the game too occasionally in the 4th) you just back up a little. When you get too busy typing to try to keep up, just push the pause button. I will rant on this here some day too. Trust me once you get your hands on this technology you will be trying to rewind everything in your life from the TV to the radio to your wife when she asks for something and your watching the commercials.
© Copyright 2005 Kevin Malm.