Thursday, September 30, 2004 |
Bill Clementson has some interesting notes
about the Common Lisp content in the Amsterdan Lisp meeting. I think
the idea of a CLRFI system is a good one. Many Scheme systems support
the SRFI's to the extent that they can be thought of as part of the
language. Having common multitasking, sockets, etc libraries would make
interoperatibility easier.
The problem I generally have isn't taking my Common Lisp programs and
running them on other platforms. I rarely have to do this. It's being
able to take other peoples library source and use it on whatever Common
Lisp system I'm currently using. In practice though it's not that big a
problem. There are defacto standards around for a lot of things and
some very portable libraries. But if the CLRFI implementations could be
shipped with the Common Lisp implementations themselves then there
would be no porting necessary and that would be a great thing.
10:55:03 AM
Brian McCallister writes
about state and scope of that state in Web Applications and mentions
how all the work to manage it is done to emulate what you get for free
in continuation based frameworks.
10:48:10 AM
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