Saturday, July 03, 2004

Gordon Weakliem writes about Python on Series 60 phones. I've had Forth, Io and Scheme running on the Symbian OS on a Nokia 9210 and they're all easier to program that Java or the C++ SDK. I'm interested in porting these to the Series 60 but the lack of a keyboard is a bit of a pain as I like to do on-phone development.

One thought I had was to have a mini-http server running on the phone that provided a REPL or other means of sending programming constructs to it. Or maybe a small telnet server providing access over an IRDA or bluetooth socket. This would allow development on the main machine while immediately running it on the phone.

Slava's CFactor could be an option. This allows development on the main machine in Java and producing an image which is loaded and used by the 12Kb C executable.

4:54:47 PM