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 Thursday, June 8, 2006

Deep down, I’m a very old-fashioned person, and I’m not comfortable taking joy from the death of a fellow human being. But for this guy I can make an exception.

By the way, according to some informal back-of-the-envelope figgerin’, this unofficially marks the 710th turning point in the Iraq War. Only four more turning points, and the war’s turning point count will be tied with Babe Ruth’s home run record. The war is on a pace to pass Hank Aaron’s amazing 755 homers later this year.

(It has been pointed out to me that turning points in the Iraq War have absolutely nothing in common with baseball home run records. That’s true. I would just note that every home run has three turning points, and ends up right where it started.)

5:18:25 PM  #  
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Cartoonist Mark Fiore says core values training shouldn’t be limited to the military.

2:50:52 AM  #  
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