
[10:49:36 PM]

The templates that come with radio are pretty complicated. If you wanted to make a theme or do something fancy, it might be simpler to start from something very simple.
Stripped of page layout tags, a radio homepage template looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Mon, 01 Jan 1990 01:00:00 GMT">
<a href="<%radio.macros.weblogUrl ()%>">
<!-- begin calendar -->
<table width="160" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="100%">
<div align=center>
<%radio.weblog.drawcalendar ()%>
<!-- end calendar -->
<%radio.macros.weblogEditBox ()%><br>
<%radio.macros.weblogRecentPosts ()%><br><br>
© Copyright <%year%> <%authorName%>.
<br>Last update: <%now%>.
<p><%radio.macros.editThisPageButton ()%><br>
<%radio.macros.staticSiteStatsImage ()%>
[10:47:54 PM]
Oops! I just managed to get Radio (the desktop application and server) to crash whenever it tried to display the Home page (localhost:5335/). I remembered reading that Radio is an outliner, and so I was able to change the naughty, naughty weblog entry through the Radio desktop application. That's good.
[9:59:18 PM]
A note about traffic to my weblog from Dave Winer's link....
Sometime Saturday evening, Dave Winer linked from to a tip I wrote on using stylesheets to increase the space between lines of text.
I posted the piece about 5:00pm. By the time I left for a party at 8:30, I was #23 for the day on the Radio Community Server ranking, with 173 hits, and the hits were coming faster and faster. I was curious to see what they would be at midnight, but alas, I had too much fun at the party, and didn't make it home until 3:30.
Then on Sunday, I wound up at #20 with 214 hits. Monday evening I'm at #86 with 61 hits, but almost all of that traffic was before noon.
Considering that I usually get maybe 4 hits in a day, 200 is like a taste of fame.
Is there anything profound to say about this experience?
I wrote something useful, and Dave linked to it.
At this point my site isn't really designed to get people clicking around on it. They didn't. Only 10% of the hits were from within the site.
The hits were piling up fast Saturday evening. Sunday was slow but steady. Monday morning had a burst, but that's about the shape of things. It's really about what you would expect.
While I'm always happy to have people read what I write -- and it's fun to be able to see hits come in -- a lot of what I'm writing doesn't suit the weblog form.
Even a miniature essay like this is a little too long to feel graceful here. It's easy to *write* however, and I figure I'll repackage anything that turns out to be useful. The stylesheet tip is an example. I'll have more tips like that, and some useful Radio stuff. It can all scroll away, and I'll rewrite it and put it into a more accessible form.
Postscript March 30: Got a few hits a day from for the rest of the week. Also, briefly, was propelled to the top of the Google charts for the words "licentious" and "RadioRadio". So essentially, the only thing to say is that there isn't much to say. I just hope you appreciate the detail with which I said it.
Copyright © 2003 Licentious Radio.
Last update: 9/20/03; 2:53:35 PM.