Freitag, 24. Mai 2002

Weekend thought

In the past 10 years I have collected all the different visiting cards I receive on a pile on my desk. That pile is now about 6 inches high (I don't get that many). Take a walk down memory lane - go through the pile from top to bottom and see if you can remember where and when you got the card. Does the company still exist?


sunBow Preview version available

We quietly roll out the first preview version of sunBow - an eclipse based IDE for Cocoon.


Weblog article in Computerwoche

My (German) article on Weblogging will appear in the printed version of the German IT weekly Computerwoche next weekend (31.5.2002). It will be in the CW-Extra supplement. Lots of great webloggers get a mention - for example: Sam, Dave, Adam. An online version will appear on their website slightly later as well.