Dienstag, 26. November 2002

Walking: Yesterday I purchased (hopefully, the online gods smiled on me when I clicked on the buy now button) tickets to go and see Tori in Hamburg next January. The new album is really good (I think I've written that often enough now :-)). I have always wanted to go to a concert since "Earthquakes". There is a time for everything.

Here is the setlist from Detroit from the 24th and a review. You missed it Jo! :-). (My sister lives near Detroit).


Dead End. "Linux kept a low profile at Comdex this year. But maybe that's because Comdex itself is failing, and Microsoft is using what's left as a promotional vehicle". (Doc). I am sure we will see the same thing happen here. The days of large blurb-filled shows is drawing to a close. Small focussed events are where people are going to go to get news and talk to people "in the know". After all, there are no secrets and most of the stuff shown at these shows is old news anyway.