Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2002

I can see clearer now: Russel puts me in the clear concerning his new job. Thanks!

Blogs are like Soap Operas: miss a day and sometimes you can be totally lost, like Matthew

Email woes: If, like Russel, you have sent me an email to my work email address: mlangham at sundn dot de - then it may have bounced. Don't worry - I still work there :-) - but we are having problems with the mail server. Hopefully the problems will be cleared up tomorrow.   

DJ replies: DJ Adams replied to my RSS article. Seems as though he already has SAP R/3 generating RSS feeds. The next step will be when we see this little thing:  appearing here, here or here. It's going to happen.   

Personal weblog entries: Erik seems to have something interesting going. I can subscribe to this and receive just the entries he writes about me. Cool. But wait...imagine subscribing and then never receiving anything. I couldn't stand it :-).   

BlogTalk: A European conference on weblogging. Planned for May in Vienna. Unfortunately they haven't finalized a date so I fear conflicts with other conferences like this one.   

BBC 7: BBC 7 is now on-air ummm on-line... hmm.. Classical comedy and other stuff streamed to your desktop. Actually - when they call comedy you listened to as a kid "classic" - does that then also make you a "classic"?   

Erik is blogging: I seem to have missed the start of Erik Hatchers weblog. But now I've found it :-). I had interesting breakfast and lunch chats swapping author woes with Erik at OSCON.   

A non-ugh ending: Yesterday actually ended on a bright note with Dave linking to my RSS article from Scripting News. Dominic picks up and comments. Interesting subject and something I will be expanding on as we move into 2003. Stay tuned.