Freitag, 6. Juni 2003

Day Trip: I may be spending a day down in "the valley", while in Portland. A short flight (1 1/2 hours) to SFO and then drive round the valley before flying back to Portland late afternoon. I have a kind invitation to take a look inside one of the companies there and so am currently working out how I can micro-manage the trip (flights, car, time). If you happen to be in the area then give me a shout - maybe we can meet up and talk Cocoon, commercial / open source related topics or anything else really. Trip is still tentative at the moment.   

Security and data access to blogs: Let's answer one of Ulrich's first questions: "But there is at least one open question: What about security of data and information stored inside a blog?"

If you're using a public blogging service like blogger then the information is stored on their servers and protected from access with user id and password. Blogger will allow you to do group blogs (i.e. several authors one blog).

If you are interested in using a blog to track projects then you would want to run the blogging software on one of your internal systems and then use the normal access control to protect access. Look at MovableType for a blogging product you can use. It also has more features than blogger currently does for things you would need like Trackback.

Hope this helps.

I'm available for weblog consulting - by the way :-).


Welcome Ulrich: Ulrich has a weblog! At last. Welcome.   

Tracking Steve: Steve is in California and to be more exact somewhere in the O'Reilly universe in Sebastopol. I wonder what he's up to?   

Birthday: Victoria ist 7 today and so last night I made chocolate banana muffins, while following the #mobitiopia irc channel. I promised to upload a picture of the "ready-to-eat" muffins - but didn't get round to it. They came out well though - although the kids don't seem to like them. You just can't win sometimes.