AppleScript Info

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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Export iTunes Playlist to M3U 3.0

This script generates a .m3u format playlist file from an iTunes playlist suitable for use with the AudioTron player. Version changes: Fixed 31 character filename limitation. Now long filenames are output properly.
11:25:10 PM    

NetNewsWire Pro: more AppleScript screen shots

Brent: "A couple more screen shots for people interested in scripting NetNewsWire pro. The first one shows the scripting classes; the second one shows the commands. There are just three NetNewsWire-specific commands because lots of commands aren’t needed. Most of the good stuff is in getting and setting properties of subscription and headline classes. Though this is all still very much in progress, I do appreciate any feedback one may have based on the screen shots above." It's not often that one gets to watch a developer add AppleScript to an application. Brent is a great programmer and I'm sure that he's very sincere when he asks for feedback. If you have worthy ideas, don't be shy.
10:42:12 PM    

Mac OS X Hints: Set or clear arbitrary song ratings in iTunes

paulsab: "Use the following AppleScript to pop up a dialog box that will allow you to set the rating of the current song to any value between 0 and 100." ...
2:20:49 PM    

Back_up_user_prefs 1.1

Back_up_user_prefs is a script for OS X that backs up a user's Preferences folder for safety in the event of corruption of either individual preferences or the entire folder.
1:59:52 PM    

The Ultimate Unabridged Kung-Tunes Tutorial

Adriaan: "It was about time, and here it is: A tutorial on how to use Kung-Tunes." Kung-Tunes is a utility to retrieve the currently played iTunes track and upload it to a webserver. It's made with AppleScript Studio and source code is available.
12:00:40 AM