Ryan Greene's Radio Weblog : On Semi Hiatus Until Further Notice.
Updated: 2/14/2003; 6:36:30 PM.


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Sunday, November 17, 2002

Like Father Like Son

Yesterday was my niece's third birthday party. A good time was had by all, and I got to have a conversation with a guy who now owrks where I last did, doing work more on the opublishing than web side, but in the same department. Small world. Regardless, I also go to spend some time talking to my father, who has been touring the country for the better part of the past two years with my stepmother in their motorhome.

Now, Dad is as much of a geek as I am, and in many ways morso, as he had a GPS system for his laptop long before I did, as well as various pagers and other cool devices. I'm just starting to catch up now. All that said, one of the devices that he wants to get/see made is a digital camera that has a built in GPS system. This will let you take a photo of a national park and when you download it, automatically embed the time, date, and location (either as long/lat deg/min/sec compass heading or as a text string [Yellowstone Park, near Old Faithful]) in the photo. I pointed out how this would work with a bluetooth set of tools on a utility belt, and Dad jus smiled at me and said "Yeah, but I'd rather just have the one tool."

Sometimes simple is best I suppose.

comments   9:30:39 PM    

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