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Outer Log Thought Web
 zaterdag 23 november 2002
WiFi addiction
For some strange reason, my WiFi card died the day after the GetTogether. So that left me with the necessity to use wired internet access again at home. I could live with this for 3 days. This afternoon, however, I was sick of not being able to sneak my laptop around the house, and also not being able to lay in the coach while reading mail. So I went out and bought a USR 22 Mbps WiFi card. It came in at only 89 euro, which is a huge difference with the 225 euro I paid for my previous 11Mbps Orinoco card. Installation on W2K went flawlessly, and the USR card happily connects (at 11 Mbps however) to my Compaq/Orinoco base station.
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