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Outer Log Thought Web
 donderdag 26 december 2002
Andy shaves
I shave my head when it gets long enough to require brushing. [from Hacking Log 2.0]
My wife uses a hair trimmer on me. 4 mm, and 2 mm for the sides. Quite some connection, eh?

10:02:29 PM    comment []  

stuffed Pfew. Three Christmas dinners in a row. 'Thanks' to my recent immobility, the family members agreed to come over (even bringing the prepared dishes with them) and celebrate Christmas at our place. Which means we had dinner with the kids on Christmas Eve (a first timer, and the kids (nearly 6 years, 4.5 years and 7 months) much enjoyed it), on Christmas day my family came over, and today we finished with my wife's family. Suffice to say I feel quite stuffed, and I can only hope to regain mobility within some weeks and try and catch up some swimming again in order to live up to the doctor's expectation and loose some weight to minimize the risk for new back issues.
The two boys are leaving for a couple days of grandparent fun, so hopefully I'll find some time to tackle my todo list before the next festive avalanche.
2:46:11 PM    comment []