Updated: 8/28/07; 10:11:07 AM. |
Rory Perry's Weblog Law, technology, and the courts Summaries of all January 2007 opinions posted - corrected Summaries of all 62 opinions issued in the January 2007 term of court are now posted. The summaries are in three groups. Issue 91, posted on March 2, 2007, contains summaries of the first ten opinions of the term. Issue #92, posted August 22, contains summaries of 45 opinions. Finally, Issue #93, posted August 28, contains seven opinion summaries that were inadvertently omitted from Issue #92. The opinion summaries are also available on three general category pages: Civil, Criminal, and Family. The first court day of the September term will take place on September 11th, with a Motion Docket and Argument Docket. Most of the dockets and briefs are now posted on the September calendar page. 9:54:59 AM [Permanent Link]