Microsoft FrontPage Support Radio Weblog :
Tips and Frequently Asked Questions for Users of Microsoft® FrontPage®.
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Tutorial: Using FrontPage with Radio Weblogs

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Making HTML Pages XML-Compatible in FrontPage 2002

Use the "Apply XML Formatting Rules" to automatically take an HTML page and reformat its HTML tags to make them XML-compliant. This is especially useful when you need your pages to interact with an XML-based publishing system because the rules governing the syntax of XML tags are stricter than those for HTML. A missing tag or incorrectly formatted attribute in an XML document renders the file useless.
When you select the Apply XML formatting rules option, Microsoft FrontPage® version 2002 searches the XML code for missing or incomplete tags and applies the correct tags.

To apply XML Formatting Rules to a Web page, open it in FrontPage 2002 and do the following:

  1. In Page view, click the HTML button
  2. In the HTML pane, right-click anywhere on the page.
  3. Select Apply XML formatting rules.

Tip: If you apply XML formatting to a document formatted to exclude selected ending tags (for example, the </P> tag), those tags will likely be applied by this feature.

7:23:11 AM  .    

Create a Table Cell ScreenTip with FrontPage 2002

Sometimes you want to provide more information than there's room for in a table cell. Rather than typing what you want below or above the table, you can save yourself some space by creating a ScreenTip — information or instructions that will pop up when your users move their pointer over that cell.

For example, each table header cell below has a ScreenTip associated with it. To view the ScreenTips, move your pointer over the individual words in the cell:



Phone E-mail

Some other instances when adding a ScreenTip to a table might be helpful:

  • You want to add brief information about each individual in a table you've created for a club membership list.
  • In a table of stock quotes, you want to supply more information about each stock, such as its history, its volume, or its full name.
  • You want to include directions about what you want your users to enter into that particular cell, column, or row (as in the example above).

To create a ScreenTip for a table cell in Microsoft FrontPage® 2002

  1. In Page view, click the HTML button.
  2. Locate your table on the page.
    Each cell has its own code that looks something like this:

    <td width="25%"></td>

    The information that goes in that cell is added between the two tags.

  3. To add a ScreenTip to this cell, after



    title="Your ScreenTip"

  4. Replace "Your ScreenTip" (including the quotation marks) with the actual message or information you want to pop up.

    For example, in the table above, the first cell would look like this:

    <td title="Enter your first name only in this column." width="25%">Name</td>

For more information about creating tables in FrontPage, see Microsoft FrontPage Help.

7:20:52 AM  .    

© Copyright 2003 David Berry.
Comments by: YACCS

All products and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Microsoft® and FrontPage® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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David Berry is a Co- Author for FrontPage 2000 Unleashed and FrontPage 2002 Unleashed