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Monday, July 05, 2004

Swing, Threading, and Application Architectures

Here's an interesting thread on writing efficient swing
code (;threadID=13166).
It's interesting to me because it talks about improving swing perfomance
by not doing work in the UI thread. I would say this is obvious,
but i've noticed in general threads are not talked about much
in java.

As threads are built into java you might expect a more
energetic discussion.

But unfortunately threads in java make it so easy to screw
things up.

The UI by at least not defaulting to having work done in another
thread has caused Swing years and years of bad press.

Observers not requiring notifications to be processed in a separate thread,
for example, is a disaster waiting to happen. In the naive implementation of java
you can handle notifications sagely by proving a bridge to an Actor
type architecture, but few people know or will think to do it.
Instead you get tangles of recursive code with entirely unpredictable
latencies and deadlock characteristics.

High performance applications consider threading architectures very carefully,
as they do in SEDA (,
for example.

These issues are not related to swing only, they exist in every
application, every jvm, every system. Inputs like databases,
tcp/ip, rmi, soap, jms, servlets, etc all have the same problems
of dispatching work, getting work done, and dealing with
notifications from all the work performed which inturn causes more work,
more notifications, etc.

Container frameworks like Spring generally assume work is
processed in a single thread. Thread local variables are used
to transparently store transaction information or AOP is used to declaratively
support transactions.

This approach doesn't support moving work to different threads for different
processing steps. Nor does it allow you to condition your total work load by limiting
CPU usage, aggregating requests, using task priorities, using work priorities,
using back pressure, etc.

In fact, threads are rarely mentioned at all. It seems the servlet
or something allocates a thread and that's it. Many developers i talk
to have no idea what thread there code is running in at any given

When people talk about scaling they only talk about upping the number of threads
in a thread pool. They don't talk about priorities, deadlock, queuing,
latencies, and a lot of other issues to consider when structuring applications.

For example, on an incomming request from a browser you want to setup the
tcp/ip connection immediately so that the browser doesn't have to retry.
Retries add load and make the user experience horrible. Instead
what you would like to do is set up the connection, then queue up the request
and satisfy it later after having immediately setup the connection. But if
each request is handled by a single thread then you can't implement
this sort of architecture and your responsiveness will appear
horrible as you run out of threads or threads run slow, or threads block other threads
on locks, when in fact you have tons of CPU resources available.

Based on the source of the request you could assign the work specific
priority or drop it immediately.

You can also do things like priorities different phases of a process. If
one phase hits the disk you know that takes a lot of time relative
to other in memory operations. As your application scales you
decide if that phase of the work is more important and give it
a higher priority or you can possible drop work elsewhere because
you don't want to a request to fail once it has reached a certain
processing point.

Consider if an object queued to it a UI request, servlet work, and
database work. The work could be organized by priority. Maybe you want
to handle the UI work first so it queues ahead. But if you keep getting
UI work it will starve the other clients so you give other clients a
chance to process work.

And so on.

I think java might get less bad press if java provided a more structured
model of architecting systems using threads.

For a general architecture discussion take a look at
For my general solution discussion take a look at


11:04:25 AM    

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