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Saturday, August 27, 2005

There's More than One Kind of Scalability

Take a look at:

Scalability is the ability to keep solving a problem as the size
of the problem increases.

Scale is measured relative to your requirements. As long as you can
scale enough to solve your problem then you have scale. If you can handle
the number of objects and events required for your application then
you can scale. It doesn't really matter what the numbers are.

Scaling often creates a difference in kind for potential solutions.
The solution you need to handle a small problem is not the same as
you need to handle a large problem. If you incrementally try to
evolve one into the other you can be in for a rude surprise, because
it won't work as you pass through different points of discontinuity.

Scale is not language or framework specific. It is a matter of approach
and design.

The Two Classes of How to Handle Scalability

I've come to think there are two classes of scalability problems:
* Scalability under fixed resources.
* Scalability under expandable resources.

The two different classes lead to solutions using completely different
approaches. That's not to say they can't be mixed, but it's helpful
to consider them separately when considering a design.

* Scalability Under Fixed Resources

In this class of scalability problem you have a fixed set of resources
yet you have to deal with ever increasing loads.

For example, if you are an embedded system like a router or switch, you
are not likely ever to get more CPU, more RAM, more disk, or a faster network.
Yet you will be asked to handle:
* more and more functionality in new upgrade images
* more and more load from clients

The techniques for dealing with loads in this scenario are far different
than load when you can expand your resources.

* Scalability Under Expandable Resources

In this class of scalability problems you have the ability to add
more resources to handle more work, in general this is called [horizontal scaling].

The new era of cheap yet powerful computers has made horizontal scaling possible for
virtually anyone. Many companies can afford
to keep grid of hundreds of machines to solve problems.

This is the approach google has taken to handle their search systems,
for example, and it's a very different approach from a fixed resource
approach. In a fixed resource approach we would be squeezing every
cycle of performance of the resources, we would be spending a lot of
time on developing new approaches and tuning existing code to fit
the exact problem.

When resources are available, and your approach is right, you can
just add more machines. You start to figure out ways to solve your problem
assuming horizontal scaling.

In general this are is called data parallel algorithms..

For example, terrascale ( has an amazing
storage grid called Terragrid, that allows you to scale up
by adding incrementally adding commodity machines. With the availability
of 10Gb ethernet interfaces these approaches become quite powerful.

Of course, your approach has to be right. If you select an architecture with
single points of serialization then you won't be able to scale by
adding more machines.

* Examples of Dealing with Scale

Here are a few examples of how different people have dealt with scale:
* - LiveJournal's Backend
* - google papers on their file system and cluster
* - Multi-Terabyte Data Warehouse and MySQL
* - Lessons from an Interactive Environment
* - Terragrid


12:01:46 PM    

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