Tuesday, August 13, 2002 |
Infoworld interview : Jeff Raikes outlines the future of office One of the things I love about what Ray figured out there is that he was able, at least initially, to avoid corporate IT being a gatekeeper that would prevent Notes from catching on. Notes got a grassroots sort of momentum. Groove, I think, gets a grassroots sort of momentum, but they're very cognizant of the importance of working closely with corporate IT. But clearly Ozzie has that model in mind where there's peer-to-peer capabilities that can evolve into server capabilities.
Rainer Volz : I admit that for some time the product strategy of Groove Networks was unclear to me, as expressed in this previous article. They had some success pushing Groove out to individuals "at the edge", then it seemed that they changed course to focus solely on enterprise customers. Knowledgeable people then explained to me that my interpretation was wrong.
During the last couple of months lots of Groovers discovered Blogs. Personally it was Hugh Pyle that inspired me to start a weblog. At this moment it's nice to see that more Bloggers like Matt Mower and Russell Beattie are getting into the Groove. This is getting more interesting everyday.
Dan Gillmor : Many of Groove's customers like the control-freak stuff. Corporations want to lock down their PCs in some ways, and Microsoft will be helpful to them in this effort. It may also be simpler, and more cost effective for Groove as a company, to turn the product into nothing more than an admittedly dynamite feature of Windows. It's not, I believe, in the ultimate interest of Groove's users -- not all of them, at any rate.
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