dinsdag 3 september 2002 |
Ray Ozzie responds directly to Joel's remarks in a long and well written piece that offers a lot of insights in Groove's strategy. A mustread for everyone who is interested in Groove. It's a different world now, and Groove's platform potential is far beyond that that could have been envisioned in the mid 80's. Afforded the opportunity to do so, it is surely our intent to create even more value through Groove - for our customers, for our ecosystem, and for our investors. I don't know if you view us as greedy, or clueless, or taking inept actions to choke off our own oxygen, but I can tell you for certain that we're trying our best to concurrently create a platform and an ecosystem around that platform, and to create direct application value for our customers, consistent with our ability to invest in the business and our knowledge and experience in this business.
Steve Gillmor : Notes postmortem Ozzie, like any responsible parent, is speaking to the concerns of Notes developers. Increasingly, Groove is providing the constituent pieces to make a rapid transition to the .Net infrastructure: harnessing Visual Studio as the development tool, using the Compact Framework to speed porting to wireless devices, adding an Edge server to allow componentization of Groove's peer services, and most strategically, adding doclink infrastructure to allow porting of Notes application constructs to Groove and Office.Next.
PopG 2.1, a remote client solution for Groove, is available now. PopG uses the Citrixclient that makes it possible to access your Groovedata from a Apple or Linux system or just to check your spaces from an internetcafe when you're on holiday. The basic tariff for PopG Remote Groove Desktops is 15$ a month.
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