[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.] s l a m

Click to see the XML version of this web page. rss 0.92

updated: 3/20/04; 5:31:48 PM.

activeRenderer Version 1.4 Released

Now Renders RSS Feeds - Includes New Outline Browser






Monday, August 5, 2002
> Random Weblog Surfing

Did anyone notice the random dot image jenett.radio.randomizer in s l a m's left sidebar that appeared last week ?

It's a link to a cool random surfing experience, delivered by the coolness expert at coolstop. To join the Random Ring, send Joe Jenett a note.
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 6:05:57 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]


Congrats to Paolo on such a happy occasion...

s l a m doesn't have such luck, but I'm still working on it :-)

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 1:04:15 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> omniBugging

Thanks to Marc Barrot for the reminder to bug the Omni folks to add OPML support to their popular Mac outlining program. [Scripting News]
I'm sure Dave's bugging will carry some weight, the Omni folks being such fans of More.

Yet, let's all help him. Anybody who wants OPML with OmniOutliner please click here, and say so to the OmniPeople.

It's also a good occasion to thank those guys for such a great native MacOS X product.
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 12:13:18 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> blogRolls Are Going Active

Outline style blogrolls are out this week. Looks like activeRoll is seeing some action. Ernie has an active BlawgRoll, so has Rick (he even had one before I released activeRoll). Donovan as one too on his Iceplant Radio and Coral Reef weblog. I'm forgetting Dix's dixiblog down South.

So I think I'll start a directory as an activeRoll topic in s l a m's own activeRoll. If you wish to enlist (or demit), drop me a line. feedback

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 11:32:02 AM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> aR On blogStreet

s l a m ranks 128 on blogStreet, as I found out this morning after reading Scott Johnson's post.

blogStreet is a Blog Neighbourhood Analysis service.

If you want to check what that means, read blogStreet's Frequently Asked Questions.

blogStreet's FAQ is actually an OPML document, rendered directly in the home page with activeRenderer's JavaScript code and CSS stylesheet.

It's nice to see direct outline rendering in web pages getting into fashion. And it's real easy to do too... So I hope I'll hear from other creative examples soon.

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 10:53:19 AM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> OmniOutliner Update - OPML Support Still Missing

OmniOutliner 2.0b2 adds features. OmniOutliner 2.1b2 (Updated 8/4/02) - The latest version of The OmniGroup's excellent outliner adds a "Save All" menu item, adds Hoist, Unhoist and Unhoist all toolbar items, loads comments from MORE documents into the comments field in OO, and includes several bug fixes and enhancements. [Mac Net Journal]

I kind of fancy OmniOutliner, but the last time I checked, it was still missing the ability to read and write OPML documents.

OmniOutliner's FAQ mentions it's in the pipeline. Let's see if I can decide the Omni gang to move it up a bit.

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 10:29:21 AM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

 alvin borromeo
 Developing for Radio

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